
Mutant Emcee Radio

Mutant Emcee is taking time needed to build, formulate and release a 24 hour radio broadcasting stream. We plan to launch a 24 hour stream for Mutant Emcee radio summer of 2025. The show will consist of only Real Hip Hop from underground and Indie Artist. stream of Indie music. Supporting Artist, Dj's and Producers from all regions of the globe, Mutant Emcee Radio is devoted to the 99% of the music industry and supporting those that really need and appreciate it. If you would like to be featured in rotation when our station launches then read the text below and submit your song if you agree to the terms.

If you are interested in being featured on our radio station, you will need agree to the disclaimer and follow the instructions below.


" I have the legal rights and authority to grant Mutant Emcee Radio and staff at MutantEmcee.com the permission to use and distribute the attached music files, text and images. I am granting this permission for promotional purposes only and am I aware that I will not be compensated any publishing or royalty fee for the broadcast of my submission. I do not and will not seek any monetary compensation for the broadcast of my submission.

I understand that MutantEmcee.com well never sell my music or the contents of my music submission. Therefore, I hereby grant permission for any and all promotional use of the attached media within my email submission.


I accept full responsibility as the owner and operator of this email address for the usage of the my media submission. I understand the usage and grant permissions to usage of said media for any streaming, broadcast, website or publication affiliated MutantEmcee.com and By engaging this email I am accepting any and all legal ramifications that may result in consequence of the attached media. I am completely aware of my agreement and I lawfully state that this media content does not or will not infringe on any other persons rights or royalties"

If you have read our disclaimer and agree with our conditions, you must then copy the disclaimer above and include the disclaimer with your music submission. Submit your music by email at MutantEmceez@gmail.com and be patient. It may take some time but if it's good it will get featured.

Audio Submissions

All submissions must be mp3 format with a bit rate of 128kb/s or higher. Your email should include pictures, websites and a bio or press release. Its that simple. we feature good music and we try to be the first to break records so send them our way. If your feature is selected not only will we spin it but we will also promote you on twitter and other social networks as well.


her's a littel bout mee


http://www.jango.com/stations/296453029/tunein?fb_action_ids=392038890860711&fb_action_types=jangoapp%3Atune_in_to&fb_source=aggregation&fb_aggregation_id=345783218785887&l=0 go cop that queen devi mex for freehttp://tweetmysong.com/7m5b7t
oww in goo chack out this blog too ya boy tring to doo it all

deadly assassin's chack it http://www.reverbnation.com/gramreper

gite at mee .
..[ Gram Reaper ]_ Is The Hottest New Rap artist to hit the Map, much to the excitement of an already sizable army of fans. With the album out it'sgonna be success, fame and entertainment and let's not forget some strong bass. I not only li
sten to music, I have to feel it as well. I usually drown everything out around me and zone out, with a Do Not Disturb Sign written across my face. I always did it, I Live it, I am Hip Hop, I been through so much in My life, it's a movie and I'm still going through it, ... Some day I'm gonna be on top man, Pass da top and do It better than a lot of fakes out there, " u know who u r " (lol). Now, I Thank God for giving me the Anointed Gift of Music, but real talk when some one tells you, You have a gift in something take heed in it, and go through it, and do whatever u can to make it happen, u don't wanna do things at the last moment, it's time for da real g's to stand up Deadly Assassins Inc. let's do this!,

It's time! ... Holla at Ya Boy!,

The ENTER THE REAPER EP is sold at thee's plasess https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/enter-da-reaper-album/id609184175 ... Now Being Sold at All These Stores! ...

itunes u.s. australia/nz * canada * latin america inc/. * brazil * amazon mp3 * spotify * myspace mp3 medianet * emusic * zune * rhapsody * nokia * verve life * amazon on demand

My yahoo is assassin39ssincdeadly@yahoo.com or

zp4405@yahoo.com...deadly assassin's

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