
Support our New Sponsor

We’re calling on all Mutants and hip-hop heads to show love and support! Follow, subscribe, and tune into the Chemical Rocketeers Podcast—because when you support them, you’re supporting a movement that keeps hip-hop’s foundation strong.

2 Publicists for the Price of 1

Hire a very effective internet marketing team to get you the results your looking for. The dynamic duo of DJ Meladik and Queen Meladee can help any artist move up the charts, cross over networks and build the brand name. For only $500 you can hire both publicists for a year.

Mutant Emcee - Mixtape

Hip Hop revolutionaries unite to preserve the culture we grew up. The Mutant Emcee Mixtape will be released ealry 2025. Real Lyrics, Raw Beats and of course DJ Meladik will spice things. Join the revolution.. submit you song today


Melodic Playground will choose it's first ever Artist of the year. the winner will be choosen from the pool of artists on Melodic Playground Radio. A few of the nominees are Hip Hop artist and Mutant Emceez that we wanted to spotlight. Place your vote today .

Melodic Playground Radio

Broadcasting 24 hours each day the Melodic Playground Radio channel devotes 2 hours everyday to MutantEmcee.com and the real emcees that deserve the shine Tune in to hear the real beats, breaks and bars. Mutant Emcee Radio coming 2025

Sunday, September 5, 2010

As The Toxic Flows - The Mixtape

Attacking Like Rainbow Six Talk Sik's New Mixtape As The Toxic Flows has flooded the western hemisphere with Toxic Flows. His Delivery is impeccable and His Word play is artistic but its Talk Sik's Energy and passion which separates him from the ordinary. Talk Sik repping Tuson Az, earns strips for his city with this underground release. Its a complete project and really contributes to the preservation of Hip Hop. After listening to this project its hard to believe its Talk Sik's Solo Debut. You may be familiar with his voice after hearing him rip it on Mutant Emcee- Volume 1 with his Kamerata crew. His Mixtape has great production and a classy selection of beats... which all get murdered. He Truly is a new age Lyrical executioner. This Project remind me of the feeling i got hearing my all favorite lyricists 1st projects. All of the best artists have fans that say their 1st project was their best and as fans we beg for a sequel to that classic debut. As The Toxic Flows gives me that feeling, it a great mixtape and its gonna be interesting to see if Talk Sik can ever top his debut.
<a href="http://talksik.bandcamp.com/album/as-the-toxic-flows">Intro by Talksik</a> &lt;--- Preview Here


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